Brayden Bridgeman

Web Developer


Brayden Bridgeman Profile Picture

My name is Brayden Bridgeman.
I take photos. I build websites.
I am a recent graduate of the Eleven Fifty Academy Web Development program. Ever since MySpace allowed you to edit HTML, my intrest was solidified in design and creating content that was appealing to me.
Thanks Tom!
I have a Bachelor's Degree from Ball State University where I studied video production.
Worked with ESPN and the Big Ten Network to broadcast and film live sports production, photographed famous artists for a media company in Indianapolis, and can now say I created my own website from scratch!


CSS Creature Image

CSS Creature

CSS Creature project was created using
I used HTML/CSS to create the shapes and practice my skills of targeting certain sections of the HTML.

Static Layout Project

Static HTML / CSS Website

Static HTML/CSS Website was a project to re-create a select group of websites.
I chose Kast, which is a streaming service to watch movies and tv shows.
Developed this in VSC using HTML and CSS to re-create a static website.

API 1 Project

Pokemon API

Pokemon API project was created using VSC.
Using publicly available API data, I created a website to display a random Pokemon and facts.
I used some animation styling to make the Pokemon move and used the API to show off the facts that are available about each Pokemon.

API2 Project

Mars Weather API

Mars Weather API project was created using VSC.
Created using NASA API to pull data about their Mars InSight Rover
The rover transmits data from Elysium Planitia.
The API also pulls the most recent photo from the Curiosity rover which is still transmitting photos and data to this day!

Blue Badge Project

BlueGarden: React Project

This project was created with a team. It is utilizing React and several API calls in order to create a working application. This application took teamwork, determination, and a lot of problem-solving skills. The functionality of the app has a lot of potential, and could be used by Pokemon players everywhere!

Red Badge Project

Movie List: TypeScript React Legacy Project

For this project, it is again utilizing React, but with TypeScript legacy as it's code. The project consists of calling an API to search for movies, place them into your user created lists, and then comment/review on those lists. For this application to work, I had to also create a working server to host all the data that was pulled in based off of the API, and user information.